Anne Marie Doherty Wonder1
Father* | Edward Fredrick Wonder III |
Mother* | Elizabeth Casey |
- [S316] Elizabeth Casey Wonder, Letter to Edward J. Casey Jr.
Caroline Elizabeth Wonder1
Father* | Edward Fredrick Wonder III |
Mother* | Elizabeth Casey |
- [S316] Elizabeth Casey Wonder, Letter to Edward J. Casey Jr.
Edward Fredrick Wonder1
#132, b. 7 May 1893, d. after 1950
His family name was originally Von Drasek. It was changed to Wonder when he immigrated.1 He married Mary Kadlec.1 Edward was born on 7 May 1893, at Austria.1 Edward died after 1950 at Chicago, Illinois 60600, at age at an unknown age .1
Family | Mary Kadlec b. a 1890 |
Child |
- [S289] Elizabeth Casey, Letter to Edward J. Casey Jr.
Mary Kadlec1
#133, b. after 1890
She married Edward Fredrick Wonder.1 Mary died at age at an unknown age . Mary was born after 1890, at Prague, Czechoslovakia.1
Family | Edward Fredrick Wonder b. 7 May 1893, d. a 1950 |
Child |
- [S289] Elizabeth Casey, Letter to Edward J. Casey Jr.
Edward Fredrick Wonder Jr.1
Father* | Edward Fredrick Wonder b. 7 May 1893, d. a 1950 |
Mother* | Mary Kadlec b. a 1890 |
He married Mary Catherine Doherty.
Family | Mary Catherine Doherty |
Child |
- [S289] Elizabeth Casey, Letter to Edward J. Casey Jr.
Hugh Doherty1
#135, d. after 1950
Hugh was born, at Boston, Massachusetts 02100.1 He married Catherine Cunane. Hugh died after 1950 at Wisconsin at age at an unknown age .1
Family | Catherine Cunane d. a 1950 |
Child |
- [S289] Elizabeth Casey, Letter to Edward J. Casey Jr.
Catherine Cunane1
#136, d. after 1950
She married Hugh Doherty. Catherine was born, at Ballyhaunis, Ireland.1 Catherine died after 1950 at Wisconsin at age at an unknown age .1
Family | Hugh Doherty d. a 1950 |
Child |
- [S289] Elizabeth Casey, Letter to Edward J. Casey Jr.
Mary Catherine Doherty1
Father* | Hugh Doherty d. a 1950 |
Mother* | Catherine Cunane d. a 1950 |
She married Edward Fredrick Wonder Jr..
Family | Edward Fredrick Wonder Jr. |
Child |
- [S289] Elizabeth Casey, Letter to Edward J. Casey Jr.
Bridget Joyce
Father* | Michael Joyce b. 1845, d. 4 May 1910 |
Mother* | Catherine Baynes b. 1845, d. 8 Feb 1923 |
Charts | Descendants of John Joyce & Mary O'Malley |
Bridget died at age at an unknown age . Bridget was born. She married Michael Cavanaugh on 27 December 1898.1
Family | Michael Cavanaugh |
Child |
- [S217] Joyce Family Bible, Michael Joyce, Family Bible.
Annie Joyce
#142, b. 13 August 1865, d. 2 October 1908

Father* | Michael Joyce b. 1845, d. 4 May 1910 |
Mother* | Catherine Baynes b. 1845, d. 8 Feb 1923 |
Charts | Descendants of James Casey & Catherine Hoban Descendants of Francis Mulroy & Nancy Clarke Descendants of John Joyce & Mary O'Malley Pedigree Chart of Edward J Casey |
Annie Joyce was ill with respiratory disorder; Tuberculosis. Annie was born on 13 August 1865, at 168 Gordon Avenue at in Carbondale Township, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407. She was born at home, 168 Gordon Avenue..1 She was baptized on 17 August 1865, at at St. Rose of Lima Church, at Carbondale, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407, in the Roman Catholic faith.2,3 She married John J. Casey on 26 October 1887 at St. Rose of Lima Church at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407. The following article appeared in the Wednesday, October 26, 1887 edition of the Carbondale Leader:
This afternoon at 4 o'clock John Casey and Miss Annie Joyce, both of this city, were married at St. Rose church by Rev. John McGrath. The groomsman was Michael Casey, brother of the groom, and Miss Kate Higgins was bridesmaid.4
.5,6,7 As of 26 October 1887,her married name was Casey. Annie was employed at as a store keeper at in Carbondale Township, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407, in 1901. After John's death, Annie opened a grocery store at her home at 168 Gordon Avenue. However, caring for her family and running the store to support them took their toll on her health and she contacted tuberculosis.. She made a will on 22 January 1908 at in Carbondale Township, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407. By January 1908 Annie's health steadily declined and on January 22, she wrote the following will:
I Annie Casey of the Township of Carbondale County of Lackawanna and State of Pennsylvania widow being of Sound mind, memory and understanding, do make and publish this my last will and testament, hereby revoking and making void any and all former wills heretofore by me at anytime made.
First: direct and will that all my just debts and funeral expenses shall be paid my executrix herein after named as soon after my decease as shall by her be found convenient.
Second: I give, devise, and bequeath to my daughter Anna two-fifths of all my estate, real, personal and mixed where ever situate or found to her and her heirs or assigns forever.
Third: I give devise and bequeath to my sons Edward, Joseph, Leonard and Gerald the remaining three fifths of all my estate share and share alike to have and to hold the same in common to them their heirs and assigns forever.
Fourth I give and bequeath to Very Rev. Monsignor Coffey the sum of sixty dollars I desire that he should use this as follows fifty dollars for masses for the repose of the souls of my deceased husband John Casey, my brother Patrick Joyce, and for my own soul ten dollars for a mass for my mother and father on their deaths.
Fifth: I appoint my beloved sister Katie Joyce executrix of this my last will and testament.
In witness whereof I Annie Casey the Testatrix have hereunto set my hand and seal this 22nd day of January AD 1908.
Annie Casey (Seal)
Signed, Sealed, published, and declared by the above named Annie Casey, as and for her last will and testament, in the presence of us, who have hereunto subscribed our names at her request as witnesses thereto, in the presence of the said testatrix, and of each other.
Thos. J. McDonough
Michael Mannion8
.8 Annie died on 2 October 1908 at 168 Gordon Avenue, in Carbondale Township, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407, at age 43. Annie's death certificate stated that she died on October 2, 1908. Doctor W. F. Dixon stated:
I hereby certify, That I attended deceased form Sept. 1, 1908 to Sept. 30, 1908 that I last saw her alive on Sept. 30, 1908 and that death occurred, on the date stated above, at 4 a.m. The Cause of Death was as follows: Pulmonary Tuberculosis.
Mrs. Michael Cavanaugh provided the information on the death certificate.9
Carbondale Leader, Friday, October 2, 1908:
After a lingering illness of the past several months Mrs. Anna Casey, a well known and highly respected woman of this city, succumbed to her illness at her home on Lower Gordon avenue about 4 o'clock this afternoon. She is survived by four sons, Joseph, Edward, Harold, Leonard; and one daughter, Anna. The funeral will take place Monday morning. A requiem mass will be celebrated in St. Rose church and burial will be made in St. Rose cemetery."10
Carbondale Leader, Saturday, October 3, 1908:
The death of Mrs. J. J. Casey at her home, No. 168 Gordan avenue early yesterday morning was a severe shock to her many friends and the five children who survive have the sympathy of the community in their hour of affliction.
The cause of her death was a complication of diseases. Mrs. Casey was a native and life-long resident of this city and by her many excellent attributes won the esteem and respect of a large number of friends. Her maiden name was Miss Anna Joyce. She was thirty-eight years of age. She was a member of St. Rose church and was a member of several societies in connection with it.
Besides her five children she is survived by the following sisters, Mrs. J. Fay, Mrs. M. H. Cavanaugh, Mrs. Thomas McCann, Mrs. James Casey and the Misses Kathryn and Margaret Joyce, all of this city. The funeral will take place at 9 o'clock Monday Morning."11
.12,13,9 Her funeral was held on 5 October 1908, at at St. Rose of Lima Church, at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407. Her body was interred on 5 October 1908, at St. Rose of Lima Cemetery at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407. Carbondale Leader, Monday, October 5, 1908:
The Obsequies at St. Rose Church This Morning Largely Attended.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Ann Casey took place this morning and was attended by a throng of sorrowing friends and relatives which fully attested the esteem in which she was held. There were many and beautiful floral offerings.
The cortege moved from her late home on Gordon avenue at 9 o'clock. A requiem high mass was celebrated in St. Rose church by Rev. Henry P. Burke, who also delivered the eulogy in which he eloquently expounded the many excellent qualities of the deceased.
Following the services the remains were taken to St. Rose cemetery for interment. The pall-bearers were as follows: James McDonough, Martin Casey, John Flannigan, Thomas Fadgen, John Moran and Patrick McAllister."14.15 Annie had her will probated on 10 October 1908 at Scranton, Lackawanna County, PA 18505. Registers' Office, Lackawanna County, ss.:
Now, to wit, the 10th day of October A.D. 1908 personally come Katie Joyce and on her solemn oath she did depose, declare, and say, that she believes that Annie Casey died with a will.
That she will, as the executrix well and truly administer the goods and chattels, rights and credits of said deceased, according to law.
That she will immediately publish for creditors, once a week for six successive weeks, and render into the Register's Office, within thirty days from this date, a just and true inventory and appraisement of the personal estate of said deceased, and additional inventories when necessary. Also a just and true account, calculation, and reckoning of her said administration in one year from this date, or when thereunto legally required. That she will diligently and faithfully regard, and well and truly comply with the provisions of the law relating to collateral inheritance. And also that the decedent left to survive five children as follows: Edward, Joseph, Anna, Lenard and Joseph (Gerald) Casey, all minors, and also that the whole of the goods, chattels, rights and credits of the estate and effects, for or in respect of which Letters testamentary are applied for which she died possessed of, in the aggregate do not in the value exceed the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, at the best of her knowledge and belief.
Katie Joyce (signature)
To Henry V. Lawler, Esq.
Register of Wills and ex-officio Clerk of the Orphan's Court for the County of Lackawanna in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
In the matter of the probate of the last Will and Testament of Annie Casey dec'd. Petition.
The petition of Katie Joyce, Carbondale, PA respectfully showeth that she is the Executrix named in the last Will and Testament of Annie Casey dated the 22nd day of January A.D. 1908. That said Annie Casey late of the Township of Carbondale Lackawanna County and State of Pennsylvania deceased, departed this life on Friday the 2nd day of October A.D. 1908, at 3:45 o'clock a.m. The said testatrix was possessed of personal property to the value of $1500 and of real estate (less encumbrance) to the value of $1000 as near as can be ascertained, situated as follows: In Childs, PA and one lot in City of Carbondale. Therefore the said Katie Joyce for Probate of the said last Will and Testament and for Letters Testamentary thereon. Dated Oct. 10 A.D. 1908.
Katie Joyce (signature)
Lackawanna County, ss.: Katie Joyce8
This afternoon at 4 o'clock John Casey and Miss Annie Joyce, both of this city, were married at St. Rose church by Rev. John McGrath. The groomsman was Michael Casey, brother of the groom, and Miss Kate Higgins was bridesmaid.4
.5,6,7 As of 26 October 1887,her married name was Casey. Annie was employed at as a store keeper at in Carbondale Township, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407, in 1901. After John's death, Annie opened a grocery store at her home at 168 Gordon Avenue. However, caring for her family and running the store to support them took their toll on her health and she contacted tuberculosis.. She made a will on 22 January 1908 at in Carbondale Township, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407. By January 1908 Annie's health steadily declined and on January 22, she wrote the following will:
I Annie Casey of the Township of Carbondale County of Lackawanna and State of Pennsylvania widow being of Sound mind, memory and understanding, do make and publish this my last will and testament, hereby revoking and making void any and all former wills heretofore by me at anytime made.
First: direct and will that all my just debts and funeral expenses shall be paid my executrix herein after named as soon after my decease as shall by her be found convenient.
Second: I give, devise, and bequeath to my daughter Anna two-fifths of all my estate, real, personal and mixed where ever situate or found to her and her heirs or assigns forever.
Third: I give devise and bequeath to my sons Edward, Joseph, Leonard and Gerald the remaining three fifths of all my estate share and share alike to have and to hold the same in common to them their heirs and assigns forever.
Fourth I give and bequeath to Very Rev. Monsignor Coffey the sum of sixty dollars I desire that he should use this as follows fifty dollars for masses for the repose of the souls of my deceased husband John Casey, my brother Patrick Joyce, and for my own soul ten dollars for a mass for my mother and father on their deaths.
Fifth: I appoint my beloved sister Katie Joyce executrix of this my last will and testament.
In witness whereof I Annie Casey the Testatrix have hereunto set my hand and seal this 22nd day of January AD 1908.
Annie Casey (Seal)
Signed, Sealed, published, and declared by the above named Annie Casey, as and for her last will and testament, in the presence of us, who have hereunto subscribed our names at her request as witnesses thereto, in the presence of the said testatrix, and of each other.
Thos. J. McDonough
Michael Mannion8
.8 Annie died on 2 October 1908 at 168 Gordon Avenue, in Carbondale Township, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407, at age 43. Annie's death certificate stated that she died on October 2, 1908. Doctor W. F. Dixon stated:
I hereby certify, That I attended deceased form Sept. 1, 1908 to Sept. 30, 1908 that I last saw her alive on Sept. 30, 1908 and that death occurred, on the date stated above, at 4 a.m. The Cause of Death was as follows: Pulmonary Tuberculosis.
Mrs. Michael Cavanaugh provided the information on the death certificate.9
Carbondale Leader, Friday, October 2, 1908:
After a lingering illness of the past several months Mrs. Anna Casey, a well known and highly respected woman of this city, succumbed to her illness at her home on Lower Gordon avenue about 4 o'clock this afternoon. She is survived by four sons, Joseph, Edward, Harold, Leonard; and one daughter, Anna. The funeral will take place Monday morning. A requiem mass will be celebrated in St. Rose church and burial will be made in St. Rose cemetery."10
Carbondale Leader, Saturday, October 3, 1908:
The death of Mrs. J. J. Casey at her home, No. 168 Gordan avenue early yesterday morning was a severe shock to her many friends and the five children who survive have the sympathy of the community in their hour of affliction.
The cause of her death was a complication of diseases. Mrs. Casey was a native and life-long resident of this city and by her many excellent attributes won the esteem and respect of a large number of friends. Her maiden name was Miss Anna Joyce. She was thirty-eight years of age. She was a member of St. Rose church and was a member of several societies in connection with it.
Besides her five children she is survived by the following sisters, Mrs. J. Fay, Mrs. M. H. Cavanaugh, Mrs. Thomas McCann, Mrs. James Casey and the Misses Kathryn and Margaret Joyce, all of this city. The funeral will take place at 9 o'clock Monday Morning."11
.12,13,9 Her funeral was held on 5 October 1908, at at St. Rose of Lima Church, at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407. Her body was interred on 5 October 1908, at St. Rose of Lima Cemetery at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407. Carbondale Leader, Monday, October 5, 1908:
The Obsequies at St. Rose Church This Morning Largely Attended.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Ann Casey took place this morning and was attended by a throng of sorrowing friends and relatives which fully attested the esteem in which she was held. There were many and beautiful floral offerings.
The cortege moved from her late home on Gordon avenue at 9 o'clock. A requiem high mass was celebrated in St. Rose church by Rev. Henry P. Burke, who also delivered the eulogy in which he eloquently expounded the many excellent qualities of the deceased.
Following the services the remains were taken to St. Rose cemetery for interment. The pall-bearers were as follows: James McDonough, Martin Casey, John Flannigan, Thomas Fadgen, John Moran and Patrick McAllister."14.15 Annie had her will probated on 10 October 1908 at Scranton, Lackawanna County, PA 18505. Registers' Office, Lackawanna County, ss.:
Now, to wit, the 10th day of October A.D. 1908 personally come Katie Joyce and on her solemn oath she did depose, declare, and say, that she believes that Annie Casey died with a will.
That she will, as the executrix well and truly administer the goods and chattels, rights and credits of said deceased, according to law.
That she will immediately publish for creditors, once a week for six successive weeks, and render into the Register's Office, within thirty days from this date, a just and true inventory and appraisement of the personal estate of said deceased, and additional inventories when necessary. Also a just and true account, calculation, and reckoning of her said administration in one year from this date, or when thereunto legally required. That she will diligently and faithfully regard, and well and truly comply with the provisions of the law relating to collateral inheritance. And also that the decedent left to survive five children as follows: Edward, Joseph, Anna, Lenard and Joseph (Gerald) Casey, all minors, and also that the whole of the goods, chattels, rights and credits of the estate and effects, for or in respect of which Letters testamentary are applied for which she died possessed of, in the aggregate do not in the value exceed the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, at the best of her knowledge and belief.
Katie Joyce (signature)
To Henry V. Lawler, Esq.
Register of Wills and ex-officio Clerk of the Orphan's Court for the County of Lackawanna in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
In the matter of the probate of the last Will and Testament of Annie Casey dec'd. Petition.
The petition of Katie Joyce, Carbondale, PA respectfully showeth that she is the Executrix named in the last Will and Testament of Annie Casey dated the 22nd day of January A.D. 1908. That said Annie Casey late of the Township of Carbondale Lackawanna County and State of Pennsylvania deceased, departed this life on Friday the 2nd day of October A.D. 1908, at 3:45 o'clock a.m. The said testatrix was possessed of personal property to the value of $1500 and of real estate (less encumbrance) to the value of $1000 as near as can be ascertained, situated as follows: In Childs, PA and one lot in City of Carbondale. Therefore the said Katie Joyce for Probate of the said last Will and Testament and for Letters Testamentary thereon. Dated Oct. 10 A.D. 1908.
Katie Joyce (signature)
Lackawanna County, ss.: Katie Joyce8
Family | John J. Casey b. 10 Dec 1860, d. 20 Feb 1900 |
Children |
- [S288] St. Rose of Lima Church, Baptismal Record, Vol. 2,, p. 18. Death Cert. lists 13 Aug 1868 as birth date.
- [S288] St. Rose of Lima Church, Baptismal Record, Vol. 2, page 18. Her mothers last name is spelled Beines.
- [S288] St. Rose of Lima Church, Baptismal Record, Vol. 2, p. 18.
- [S173] Casey-Joyce, Carbondale Leader, page 4, col. 2.
- [S475] Carbondale Public Library //.
- [S217] Joyce Family Bible, Michael Joyce, Family Bible.
- [S173] Casey-Joyce, Carbondale Leader, page 4, col. 2.
- [S343] Testator Annie Casey,.
- [S344] Annie Casey, Death Certificate.
- [S178] Death of Mrs. Anna Casey, Carbondale Leader, page 5, col. 6.
- [S179] Obituary of Mrs. J.J. Casey, Carbondale Leader, page 5, col. 3.
- [S178] Death of Mrs. Anna Casey, Carbondale Leader, page 5, col. 6.
- [S179] Obituary of Mrs. J.J. Casey, Carbondale Leader, page 5, col. 3.
- [S177] Funeral Today of Mrs. Ann Casey, Carbondale Leader, page 5, col. 4.
- [S177] Funeral Today of Mrs. Ann Casey, Carbondale Leader, page 5, col. 4.
Nellie Joyce
#143, b. 28 February 1867
Father* | Michael Joyce b. 1845, d. 4 May 1910 |
Mother* | Catherine Baynes b. 1845, d. 8 Feb 1923 |
Charts | Descendants of James Casey & Catherine Hoban Descendants of John Joyce & Mary O'Malley |
Nellie died at age at an unknown age . Nellie was born on 28 February 1867, at 168 Gordon Avenue at in Carbondale Township, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407. She was born at home, 168 Gordon Avenue..1 She was baptized on 2 March 1867, at at St. Rose of Lima, at Carbondale, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407, in the Roman Catholic faith. Her name is listed as Ellen in the Baptismal record..2 She married James Casey on 5 January 1904.3
Family | James Casey b. 29 Nov 1867 |
Children |
Patrick F. Joyce
#144, b. 12 March 1870, d. 2 March 1904
Father* | Michael Joyce b. 1845, d. 4 May 1910 |
Mother* | Catherine Baynes b. 1845, d. 8 Feb 1923 |
Charts | Descendants of John Joyce & Mary O'Malley |
Patrick F. Joyce was ill with cancer; stomach cancer. Patrick was born on 12 March 1870, at 168 Gordon Avenue at in Carbondale Township, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407. He was born at home, 168 Gordon Avenue..1 He was baptized on 17 March 1870, at at St. Rose of Lima, at Carbondale, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407, in the Roman Catholic faith.2 Patrick was employed in 1903, at the Eire Colliery, Carbondale, Lackawanna, Pennsylvania.3
Patrick died on 2 March 1904 at 168 Gordon Avenue, in Carbondale Township, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407, at age 33. The following obituary appeared in the March 3, 1904 edition of the Carbondale Leader:
Ex-school Director Patrick F. Joyce Died Last Night - Funeral of James Toolan.
Patrick F. Joyce, one of the most prominent residents of Carbondale township and an ex-director of the township school district, passed away at this home late last evening. Mr. Joyce had been ailing for several months from a cancerous growth affecting the stomach and for several days his death had been momentarily expected.
The deceased was a native of this section and was born about thirty years ago. He was employed for many years at the Erie colliery but had to relinquish work about six months ago, because of the severe nature of his malady. Mr. Joyce was prominent in township politics and served for some time on the school board. He was a man of many excellent qualities and his death has caused keen regret among a wide circle of acquaintances.
Mr. Joyce is survived by his parents, Mr. and Michael Joyce and the following sisters: Mrs. John Casey, Mrs. James Casey, Mrs. John Fay, Mrs. Michael Cavanaugh, Mrs. Thomas McCann and Misses Kate and Margaret Joyce. His funeral will probably take place Saturday morning. After a requiem mass at St. Rose church, burial will be made in St. Rose cemetery.4
In the March 4,1904 edition of the Carbondale Leader:
The funeral of the late Patrick Joyce, whose death was noted in yesterday's Leader, will take place tomorrow morning. The cortege will leave his late home on Gordon avenue at 8:45 o'clock and proceed to St. Rose church where a requiem high mass will be celebrated at 9:30 o'clock, after which burial will be made in St. Rose cemetery.5
.6,7,8 His funeral was held on 4 March 1904, at at St. Rose of Lima Church, at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407.9 His body was interred on 4 March 1904, at St. Rose of Lima Cemetery at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407. In the March 4, 1904 edition of the Carbondale Leader:
The funeral of the late Patrick F. Joyce, of Carbondale township, was held this morning and was attended by many friends and relatives. From his late home on Gordon avenue the cortege proceeded to St. Rose church where a requiem mass was celebrated by the Rev. Walter A. Gorman, who delivered an appropriate sermon. Burial was made in St Rose cemetery. The pallbearers were John Doudican, Thomas Griffin, Thomas McDonough, Martin Casey, Thomas Casey and Edward Casey.10

Ex-school Director Patrick F. Joyce Died Last Night - Funeral of James Toolan.
Patrick F. Joyce, one of the most prominent residents of Carbondale township and an ex-director of the township school district, passed away at this home late last evening. Mr. Joyce had been ailing for several months from a cancerous growth affecting the stomach and for several days his death had been momentarily expected.
The deceased was a native of this section and was born about thirty years ago. He was employed for many years at the Erie colliery but had to relinquish work about six months ago, because of the severe nature of his malady. Mr. Joyce was prominent in township politics and served for some time on the school board. He was a man of many excellent qualities and his death has caused keen regret among a wide circle of acquaintances.
Mr. Joyce is survived by his parents, Mr. and Michael Joyce and the following sisters: Mrs. John Casey, Mrs. James Casey, Mrs. John Fay, Mrs. Michael Cavanaugh, Mrs. Thomas McCann and Misses Kate and Margaret Joyce. His funeral will probably take place Saturday morning. After a requiem mass at St. Rose church, burial will be made in St. Rose cemetery.4
In the March 4,1904 edition of the Carbondale Leader:
The funeral of the late Patrick Joyce, whose death was noted in yesterday's Leader, will take place tomorrow morning. The cortege will leave his late home on Gordon avenue at 8:45 o'clock and proceed to St. Rose church where a requiem high mass will be celebrated at 9:30 o'clock, after which burial will be made in St. Rose cemetery.5
.6,7,8 His funeral was held on 4 March 1904, at at St. Rose of Lima Church, at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407.9 His body was interred on 4 March 1904, at St. Rose of Lima Cemetery at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407. In the March 4, 1904 edition of the Carbondale Leader:
The funeral of the late Patrick F. Joyce, of Carbondale township, was held this morning and was attended by many friends and relatives. From his late home on Gordon avenue the cortege proceeded to St. Rose church where a requiem mass was celebrated by the Rev. Walter A. Gorman, who delivered an appropriate sermon. Burial was made in St Rose cemetery. The pallbearers were John Doudican, Thomas Griffin, Thomas McDonough, Martin Casey, Thomas Casey and Edward Casey.10
- [S288] St. Rose of Lima Church, Baptismal Record, Vol. 2,, p. 60. Named is spelled Joice.
- [S288] St. Rose of Lima Church, Baptismal Record, Vol. 2,, p. 60.
- [S330] Prominent Resident of Township Dead., Carbondale Leader.
- [S330] Prominent Resident of Township Dead., Carbondale Leader, page 5, col. 3.
- [S331] Funeral Announcement, Carbondale Leader, page 5, col. 3.
- [S217] Joyce Family Bible, Michael Joyce, Family Bible.
- [S330] Prominent Resident of Township Dead., Carbondale Leader, page 5, col. 3.
- [S331] Funeral Announcement, Carbondale Leader, page 5, col. 3.
- [S332] Mr. Joyce's Funeral, Carbondale Leader, page 5, col. 3.
- [S332] Mr. Joyce's Funeral, Carbondale Leader, page 5, col. 3.
Catherine Joyce1
#145, b. 22 March 1872, d. 16 December 1956
Father* | Michael Joyce b. 1845, d. 4 May 1910 |
Mother* | Catherine Baynes b. 1845, d. 8 Feb 1923 |
Charts | Descendants of John Joyce & Mary O'Malley |
Dr. Paul Casey said that "grandaunt Katie Joyce was like my paternal grandmother (Bless her). She also always had apple pie and made a great current jelly."2 Her common name was Katie. Catherine was born on 22 March 1872, at 168 Gordon Avenue at in Carbondale Township, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407. She was born at home, 168 Gordon Avenue..3,4 She was baptized on 28 March 1872, at at St. Rose of Lima, at Carbondale, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407, in the Roman Catholic faith.5 Catherine worked as a home maker at in Carbondale Township, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407.4 She resided 168 Gordon Avenue, at in Carbondale Township, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407, in 1956.4 Catherine was moved to the Blakely Home, at Scott Township, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania, on 27 July 1956. She suffered from generalized arteriosclerosis and could no longer care for herself. She was at the home four months and 20 days before she died.4.4 Catherine died on 16 December 1956 at Blakely Home, Scott Township, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania, at age 84.4 Her funeral was held on 19 December 1956, at at St. Rose of Lima Church, at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407.4 Her body was interred on 19 December 1956, at St. Rose of Lima Cemetery at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407.4
- [S439] Going to marry George Cuff but taught to support sister's family.
- [S254] Paul Robert Casey, Letter to Edward J. Casey Jr.
- [S288] St. Rose of Lima Church, Baptismal Record, Vol. 2,, p. 80. The date of birth on her death certificate states that she was born March 20, 1868. The St. Rose Baptismal record is correct.
- [S373] Catherine Joyce, Death Certificate.
- [S288] St. Rose of Lima Church, Baptismal Record, Vol. 2,, p. 80.
Sarah Jane Joyce
#146, b. 26 September 1875, d. 26 March 1961
Father* | Michael Joyce b. 1845, d. 4 May 1910 |
Mother* | Catherine Baynes b. 1845, d. 8 Feb 1923 |
Charts | Descendants of John Joyce & Mary O'Malley |
Sarah was born on 26 September 1875.1,2 She was baptized on 28 September 1875, at at St. Rose of Lima, at Carbondale, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407, in the Roman Catholic faith.1 She married Thomas McCann on 2 June 1903 at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407.3,4 Sarah died on 26 March 1961 at age 85.5
Family | Thomas McCann b. 1873, d. 5 Jul 1914 |
Children |
- [S288] St. Rose of Lima Church, Baptismal Record, Vol. 2,, p. 120.
- [S184] Catherine Mary McCann, Letter to Edward J. Casey Jr.,, lists birthdate as 5 Oct 1878.
- [S184] Catherine Mary McCann, Letter to Edward J. Casey Jr.,, need Church.
- [S217] Joyce Family Bible, Michael Joyce, Family Bible.
- [S184] Catherine Mary McCann, Letter to Edward J. Casey Jr.
Margaret Veronica Joyce1
#147, b. 10 November 1877, d. 11 November 1956
Father* | Michael Joyce b. 1845, d. 4 May 1910 |
Mother* | Catherine Baynes b. 1845, d. 8 Feb 1923 |
Charts | Descendants of John Joyce & Mary O'Malley |
Going to marry George Cuff, but taught to support her sister's family. Diction. Her common name was Maggie. Margaret was born on 10 November 1877, at 168 Gordon Avenue at in Carbondale Township, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407. She was born at home, 168 Gordon Avenue..2 She was baptized on 11 November 1877, at at St. Rose of Lima, at Carbondale, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407, in the Roman Catholic faith.2 Margaret died on 11 November 1956 at St. Joseph's Hospital, Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407, at age 79. Carbondale Daily News, Monday, November 12, 1956:
Miss Margaret V. Joyce, 168 Gordon Ave., died in St. Joseph's Hospital yesterday morning after a brief illness.
She was the former supervising principal of the Carbondale Twp. schools and a graduate of Marywood College and Stroudsburg State Teachers College. Prior to her retirement Miss Joyce had taught over 50 years in the township schools.
Miss Joyce was a daughter of the late Michael and Catherine Beahan Joyce and was a lifelong resident of this city. She was a member of St. Rose of Lima Church and its Altar and Rosary Society.
She is survived by two sisters. Catherine, at home, and Mrs. Sarah McCann, this city and several nieces and nephews.
The funeral will be held form the Casey Funeral Home, 76 Seventh Ave., Wednesday with mass at 9:30 a.m. in St. Rose Church. Interment, St. Rose Cemetery.
Friends may call at the funeral home form 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p.m. Arrangements, Muldoon Funeral Home, Jermyn.
3.4 Her body was interred on 14 November 1956, at St. Rose of Lima at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407. Carbondale Daily News, Wednesday, November 14, 1956:
The funeral of Miss Margaret V. Joyce, 168 Gordon Ave., was held this morning form the Casey Funeral Home, 76 Seventh Ave., with requiem mass in St. Rose of Lima Church. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. William L. Farrell was the celebrant, with the Rev. Jospeh Hickey as deacon and the Rev. William Fleming as subdeacon. Interment. St. Rose Cemetery.
Casket bearers were: Edward Cosgrove, Francis Larken, Adam Petsavage, Michael Wartonik, Joseph Newman and John Gebert.5.6
Miss Margaret V. Joyce, 168 Gordon Ave., died in St. Joseph's Hospital yesterday morning after a brief illness.
She was the former supervising principal of the Carbondale Twp. schools and a graduate of Marywood College and Stroudsburg State Teachers College. Prior to her retirement Miss Joyce had taught over 50 years in the township schools.
Miss Joyce was a daughter of the late Michael and Catherine Beahan Joyce and was a lifelong resident of this city. She was a member of St. Rose of Lima Church and its Altar and Rosary Society.
She is survived by two sisters. Catherine, at home, and Mrs. Sarah McCann, this city and several nieces and nephews.
The funeral will be held form the Casey Funeral Home, 76 Seventh Ave., Wednesday with mass at 9:30 a.m. in St. Rose Church. Interment, St. Rose Cemetery.
Friends may call at the funeral home form 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p.m. Arrangements, Muldoon Funeral Home, Jermyn.
3.4 Her body was interred on 14 November 1956, at St. Rose of Lima at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407. Carbondale Daily News, Wednesday, November 14, 1956:
The funeral of Miss Margaret V. Joyce, 168 Gordon Ave., was held this morning form the Casey Funeral Home, 76 Seventh Ave., with requiem mass in St. Rose of Lima Church. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. William L. Farrell was the celebrant, with the Rev. Jospeh Hickey as deacon and the Rev. William Fleming as subdeacon. Interment. St. Rose Cemetery.
Casket bearers were: Edward Cosgrove, Francis Larken, Adam Petsavage, Michael Wartonik, Joseph Newman and John Gebert.5.6
- [S217] Joyce Family Bible, Michael Joyce, Family Bible, lists first name as Marguerite.
- [S288] St. Rose of Lima Church, Baptismal Record, Vol. 2,, p. 142.
- [S170] Margaret V. Joyce Take By Death; Teacher 50 Years, Carbondale Daily News, page 1, col. 3.
- [S170] Margaret V. Joyce Take By Death; Teacher 50 Years, Carbondale Daily News, page 3, col. 3.
- [S171] Margaret V. Joyce Mass This Morning, Carbondale Daily News, page 3, col. 3.
- [S171] Margaret V. Joyce Mass This Morning, Carbondale Daily News, page 3, col. 3.
Mary Joyce1
Father* | Michael Joyce b. 1845, d. 4 May 1910 |
Mother* | Catherine Baynes b. 1845, d. 8 Feb 1923 |
Charts | Descendants of John Joyce & Mary O'Malley |
- [S217] Joyce Family Bible, Michael Joyce, Family Bible.
Thomas Casey1
#149, b. 1830, d. 21 July 1873
Father* | James Casey b. c Oct 1799, d. 1877 |
Mother* | Catherine Hoban b. Dec 1797, d. 19 Dec 1891 |
Charts | Descendants of James Casey & Catherine Hoban Descendants of Francis Mulroy & Nancy Clarke Pedigree Chart of Edward J Casey |
The nationality of Thomas Casey was Irish. He was Roman Catholic. Thomas was born in 1830, at Ireland. It is not known for sure the exact date of Thomas Casey's birth. However, in every document found, including census records, the year 1830 was indicated as the year of his birth.. He married Ann Mulroy on 16 April 1854 at Carbondale, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407.2 Thomas died on 21 July 1873 in a train accident, at the at Coal Brook breaker at Carbondale, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407, at age at an unknown age . Fatal Accident. - Last Monday morning, about ten o'clock, while some laborers were engaged in transferring coal form the small cars to the large gondolas at the pockets near the Cold Brook breaker, some cars were backed up and struck the car on which Thomas Casey, one of the men employed, was standing, and he fell on the track. One truck of the heavy gondola ran over both his legs, crushing them terribly. He was immediately removed to the depot by his companions, and Dr. Adams was sent for, who, on his arrival, made the injured man as comfortable as it was possible to make him, and he was removed to his home, near the Powderly mines. He was injured too severely to receive any medical aid, and died between two and three o'clock in the afternoon. The deceased was a man about forty years old, was a miner by trade, and being, out of work in the mines was earning what he could on the railroad where he lost his life. He leaves a wife and family.3.3
Family | Ann Mulroy b. 22 Dec 1830, d. 19 Dec 1894 |
Children |
Ann Mulroy1,2,3
#150, b. 22 December 1830, d. 19 December 1894
Father* | Manus Mulroy b. 16 Jan 1801, d. 6 May 1842 |
Mother* | Catherine Riordan b. 13 Jun 1808, d. 4 May 1842 |
Charts | Descendants of James Casey & Catherine Hoban Descendants of Francis Mulroy & Nancy Clarke Pedigree Chart of Edward J Casey |
The nationality of Ann Mulroy was Irish. She was Roman Catholic. She came to America with her brother, Thomas, and her sister. This was after her brother, John, and sister, Mary, came to Carbondale in 1847. John worked in the mines until he had saved enough money to send for them. The most likely route for Ann's trip from New York to Carbondale would be up the Hudson river to the Delaware and Hudson Canal. Then she would have traveled along the canal to Honesdale. From Honesdale, she would have taken the gravity railroad over the mountain into Carbondale.
Ann was born on 22 December 1830, at Killala, County Mayo, Ireland.4 She married Thomas Casey on 16 April 1854 at Carbondale, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407.5 Ann died on 19 December 1894 at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407, at age 63. The following obituary appeared in the Carbondale Herald, December 20, 1894: MRS. CASEY'S DEATH Occurred Yesterday Afternoon at Her Home on Gordon Avenue.
Once more are we called upon to chronicle the sad death of one of our most respected residents. Mrs. Ann Casey of 120 Gordon avenue.
For the past few months deceased had been a great sufferer and the coming of the grim messenger was a merciful relief. She ahd been troubled with a complication of diseases, which finally resulted in a severe attack of pneumonia which resulted in her death yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. Casey was universally beloved for her gentle and amiable disposition and her death has cast a gloom over her many friends. She was a devout Christian and bore her sufferings with a fortitude characteristic of the Christian only.
By her death the city suffers a loss of one of its oldest citizens, a large family loses a kind and loving mother, who was ever ready and watchful to contribute to their needs and comfort.
Deceased was the widow of the late Thomas Casey and was a native of County Mayo, Ireland, from which place she came with her husband to this country, in 1820. They located in this city, and have since resided here. She was 65 years of age and is survived by eight children, five sons and three daughters. They are Maggie, Katie and Ella, John, Martin and Edward, of this city, James of Olyphant, and Thomas of Jermyn.
The funeral will be held tomorrow at 9:30 o'clock in the church of St. Rose of Lima a requiem high mass will be celebrated. Interment will be made in St. Rose cemetery.
The following also appeared in the December 20, 1994 edition of the Carbondale Leader:
Mrs. Ann Casey, of Gordon avenue, died at 1:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Casey had been ill the past three weeks, but it had been believed that her condition was somewhat improved when suddenly pneumonia developed and the end came. Mrs. Casey was the widow of the late Edward [Thomas] Casey, who died ten years ago. Her maiden name was Ann Mulroy. She was born in County Mayo, Ireland sixty-five years ago and has resided in this city forty-five years. The deceased was a kind and loving mother, a faithful Catholic and a true neighbor. Her demise will be mourned by many throughout the valley. Seven children survive her, Maggie, Ellen, Katie, Edward, at home and James of Olyphant. John and Thomas, who are married.
The funeral will take place tomorrow morning. The cortege will leave her lat home at 9 a.m. and proceed to St. Rose church where a requiem mass will be said. Internment will be made in St. Rose cemetery.6
.7,8 Her funeral was held on 21 December 1894, at at St. Rose of Lima Church, at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407. Jane Anderson McAulifee has a copy of a memorial funeral notice which was passed on to her by Sister Francis Marie Melroy. It reads: Mrs. Casey Buried. A Large Attendance at the Obsequies This Morning.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Ann Casey of Gordon Avenue took place this morning from her late residence. At ten o'clock a high mass of requiem was celebrated at the church of St. Rose by Rev. J.J. Curran. The choir rendered very impressive music during the services. At the close of the mass Father Curran preached a fitting sermon appropriate to the occasion. He took for his text, Psalms 22rd, fourth verse: Though I should walk in the midst of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for thou art with me."
During his remarks the reverend speaker said: Death is certain for us all. It comes like a thief in the darkness of the night, and takes us into an unknown eternity. We should not hear death if we walk in the way of the Lord. King David was bold and feared no death. He walked with his God. Where is there is no death, where he is there is life. Sooner or later we will feel the rod of God striking us either by the loss of a friend, a mother or in some other affliction, but God never sends his rod, His staff accompanies it. His staff is His Divine Grace to soothe us in our affliction.
There is one thing in this world which we are to dread. Temptation may assail us, sorrow may visit us, but we must shun sin which brings everlasting damnation to the soul. This woman whose corpse lies here in like that of King David. She feared not death, God was with her during the days of her life. She suffered a long time before the end came. She bore it all with fortitude and patience. She had the staff of God with her, and when the rod of Him was about to strike she feared it not.
During her illness she received the sacraments of the Church. Her life was a guarantee of her death. She was left many years ago with a large family, and she cared for them well. Their education was not neglected. She was ever solicitous as to their moral training. They approached the sacraments regularly. Her duty was [done] well. Her life I would recommend as one of piety.
While the remains were being carried from the Church, the choir sang "Nearer my God to Thee." Patrick Donough, Michael Muldoon, Martin McKenna, Michael Walsh, Martin Scanlon and Thomas Rouse were the pall bearers.
The remains were laid to rest in St. Rose cemetery. The obsequies were largely attended.
. Her body was interred on 21 December 1894, at St. Rose Cemetery at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407.
Ann was born on 22 December 1830, at Killala, County Mayo, Ireland.4 She married Thomas Casey on 16 April 1854 at Carbondale, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407.5 Ann died on 19 December 1894 at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407, at age 63. The following obituary appeared in the Carbondale Herald, December 20, 1894: MRS. CASEY'S DEATH Occurred Yesterday Afternoon at Her Home on Gordon Avenue.
Once more are we called upon to chronicle the sad death of one of our most respected residents. Mrs. Ann Casey of 120 Gordon avenue.
For the past few months deceased had been a great sufferer and the coming of the grim messenger was a merciful relief. She ahd been troubled with a complication of diseases, which finally resulted in a severe attack of pneumonia which resulted in her death yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. Casey was universally beloved for her gentle and amiable disposition and her death has cast a gloom over her many friends. She was a devout Christian and bore her sufferings with a fortitude characteristic of the Christian only.
By her death the city suffers a loss of one of its oldest citizens, a large family loses a kind and loving mother, who was ever ready and watchful to contribute to their needs and comfort.
Deceased was the widow of the late Thomas Casey and was a native of County Mayo, Ireland, from which place she came with her husband to this country, in 1820. They located in this city, and have since resided here. She was 65 years of age and is survived by eight children, five sons and three daughters. They are Maggie, Katie and Ella, John, Martin and Edward, of this city, James of Olyphant, and Thomas of Jermyn.
The funeral will be held tomorrow at 9:30 o'clock in the church of St. Rose of Lima a requiem high mass will be celebrated. Interment will be made in St. Rose cemetery.
The following also appeared in the December 20, 1994 edition of the Carbondale Leader:
Mrs. Ann Casey, of Gordon avenue, died at 1:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Casey had been ill the past three weeks, but it had been believed that her condition was somewhat improved when suddenly pneumonia developed and the end came. Mrs. Casey was the widow of the late Edward [Thomas] Casey, who died ten years ago. Her maiden name was Ann Mulroy. She was born in County Mayo, Ireland sixty-five years ago and has resided in this city forty-five years. The deceased was a kind and loving mother, a faithful Catholic and a true neighbor. Her demise will be mourned by many throughout the valley. Seven children survive her, Maggie, Ellen, Katie, Edward, at home and James of Olyphant. John and Thomas, who are married.
The funeral will take place tomorrow morning. The cortege will leave her lat home at 9 a.m. and proceed to St. Rose church where a requiem mass will be said. Internment will be made in St. Rose cemetery.6
.7,8 Her funeral was held on 21 December 1894, at at St. Rose of Lima Church, at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407. Jane Anderson McAulifee has a copy of a memorial funeral notice which was passed on to her by Sister Francis Marie Melroy. It reads: Mrs. Casey Buried. A Large Attendance at the Obsequies This Morning.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Ann Casey of Gordon Avenue took place this morning from her late residence. At ten o'clock a high mass of requiem was celebrated at the church of St. Rose by Rev. J.J. Curran. The choir rendered very impressive music during the services. At the close of the mass Father Curran preached a fitting sermon appropriate to the occasion. He took for his text, Psalms 22rd, fourth verse: Though I should walk in the midst of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for thou art with me."
During his remarks the reverend speaker said: Death is certain for us all. It comes like a thief in the darkness of the night, and takes us into an unknown eternity. We should not hear death if we walk in the way of the Lord. King David was bold and feared no death. He walked with his God. Where is there is no death, where he is there is life. Sooner or later we will feel the rod of God striking us either by the loss of a friend, a mother or in some other affliction, but God never sends his rod, His staff accompanies it. His staff is His Divine Grace to soothe us in our affliction.
There is one thing in this world which we are to dread. Temptation may assail us, sorrow may visit us, but we must shun sin which brings everlasting damnation to the soul. This woman whose corpse lies here in like that of King David. She feared not death, God was with her during the days of her life. She suffered a long time before the end came. She bore it all with fortitude and patience. She had the staff of God with her, and when the rod of Him was about to strike she feared it not.
During her illness she received the sacraments of the Church. Her life was a guarantee of her death. She was left many years ago with a large family, and she cared for them well. Their education was not neglected. She was ever solicitous as to their moral training. They approached the sacraments regularly. Her duty was [done] well. Her life I would recommend as one of piety.
While the remains were being carried from the Church, the choir sang "Nearer my God to Thee." Patrick Donough, Michael Muldoon, Martin McKenna, Michael Walsh, Martin Scanlon and Thomas Rouse were the pall bearers.
The remains were laid to rest in St. Rose cemetery. The obsequies were largely attended.
. Her body was interred on 21 December 1894, at St. Rose Cemetery at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407.
Family | Thomas Casey b. 1830, d. 21 Jul 1873 |
Children |
- [S248] Ellen Veronica (Frances Marie) Melroy, Letter to Sister Ambrose Walker,,.
- [S250] Ellen Veronica (Frances Marie) Melroy, Personal Notes of Sister Frances Marie Melroy,,.
- [S197] Mulroy, Family Record Sheet.
- [S248] Ellen Veronica (Frances Marie) Melroy, Letter to Sister Ambrose Walker.
- [S478] Sacred Heart Church.
- [S337] Mrs. Thomas Casey, The Carbondale Leader, page 6, col. 5.
- [S337] Mrs. Thomas Casey, The Carbondale Leader, page 6, col. 5.
- [S383] Ann Mulroy, Physician's Certificate of Death.
Catherine Loretta Casey1,2
#151, b. 13 September 1870, d. 19 January 1953
Father* | Thomas Casey b. 1830, d. 21 Jul 1873 |
Mother* | Ann Mulroy b. 22 Dec 1830, d. 19 Dec 1894 |
Charts | Descendants of James Casey & Catherine Hoban Descendants of Francis Mulroy & Nancy Clarke |
Catherine was born on 13 September 1870.3,4 She was baptized on 16 September 1870, at at St. Rose of Lima, at Carbondale, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407, in the Roman Catholic faith.4 She married Joseph Bernard Walker on 21 April 1897 at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407.5,6,7 Catherine died on 19 January 1953 at age 82.6
Family | Joseph Bernard Walker b. 18 Aug 1869, d. 3 Sep 1932 |
Children |
- [S186] Catherine Ellen Walker, Letter to Edward J. Casey Jr., .
- [S205] Jeanne Marie Walker, Letter to Edward J. Casey Jr., lists 9 Sep as birth date.
- [S258] Pauline (Sister M. Ambrose) Walker, Letter to Edward J. Casey Jr.,, says 14.
- [S288] St. Rose of Lima Church, Baptismal Record, Vol. 2, page 64.
- [S479] St. Rose of Lima Church, Carbondale, PA,.
- [S258] Pauline (Sister M. Ambrose) Walker, Letter to Edward J. Casey Jr.
- [S186] Catherine Ellen Walker, Letter to Edward J. Casey Jr.
Joseph Bernard Walker1
#152, b. 18 August 1869, d. 3 September 1932
Father* | Patrick Walker b. c 1830 |
Mother* | Mary Statler2 b. c 1831 |
Father | Patrick Walker2 b. c 1830 |
Charts | Descendants of James Casey & Catherine Hoban Descendants of Francis Mulroy & Nancy Clarke |
Joseph Bernard Walker was also known as Joseph Walker.2 Joseph was born on 18 August 1869, at Carbondale, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407.3 He was born circa 1871 at Carbondale, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania.2 He married Catherine Loretta Casey on 21 April 1897 at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407.4,3,1 Joseph died on 3 September 1932 at age 63.3
Family | Catherine Loretta Casey b. 13 Sep 1870, d. 19 Jan 1953 |
Children |
James Casey1
#153, b. 12 September 1865, d. 1912
Father* | Thomas Casey b. 1830, d. 21 Jul 1873 |
Mother* | Ann Mulroy b. 22 Dec 1830, d. 19 Dec 1894 |
Charts | Descendants of James Casey & Catherine Hoban Descendants of Francis Mulroy & Nancy Clarke |
James was employed. He lived in Olyphant. In 1900, he lived on Dunmore Street.
James was born on 12 September 1865, at Carbondale, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407.2 He was baptized on 15 September 1865, at at St. Rose of Lima, at Carbondale, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407, in the Roman Catholic faith.2 He married Bridget Nealon in 1889.3,4,5 James died in 1912 at Olyphant, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18447, at age at an unknown age .6
James was born on 12 September 1865, at Carbondale, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407.2 He was baptized on 15 September 1865, at at St. Rose of Lima, at Carbondale, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407, in the Roman Catholic faith.2 He married Bridget Nealon in 1889.3,4,5 James died in 1912 at Olyphant, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18447, at age at an unknown age .6
Family | Bridget Nealon b. Sep 1869 |
Children |
- [S250] Ellen Veronica (Frances Marie) Melroy, Personal Notes of Sister Frances Marie Melroy.
- [S288] St. Rose of Lima Church, Baptismal Record, Vol. 2, page 20.
- [S507] Thomas Burge /Dolph/ Need all info.
- [S250] Ellen Veronica (Frances Marie) Melroy, Personal Notes of Sister Frances Marie Melroy,,.
- [S262] 1900.
- [S242] Jane Anderson, The Melroy Family, From Ireland to Iowa.
Edward Casey1
#154, b. 5 May 1855, d. 22 December 1929
Father* | Thomas Casey b. 1830, d. 21 Jul 1873 |
Mother* | Ann Mulroy b. 22 Dec 1830, d. 19 Dec 1894 |
Charts | Descendants of James Casey & Catherine Hoban Descendants of Francis Mulroy & Nancy Clarke |
His knickname was "The Dummy." Edward had normal hearing and speech. However, around the age of five, he contracted the Black fever which left him deaf and dumb. He did worked and it has been said that it was easy to communicate with him. Died of Black fever. Mulroy Papers state that Edward became a mute at age to. He was a miner to age 70. He never married, and lived with Catherine Casey Walker at the time of his death.
Edward was born on 5 May 1855, at Carbondale, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407.2 He was baptized on 6 May 1855, at at St. Rose of Lima, at Carbondale, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407, in the Roman Catholic faith.2 Edward died on 22 December 1929 at 94 Park Street, Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407, at age 74.3,4 His body was interred on 24 December 1929, at St. Rose of Lima Cemetery at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407.5 His funeral was held on 24 December 1929, at at St. Rose of Lima Church, at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407. The mass was at 9:30 a.m.6.4
Edward was born on 5 May 1855, at Carbondale, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407.2 He was baptized on 6 May 1855, at at St. Rose of Lima, at Carbondale, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407, in the Roman Catholic faith.2 Edward died on 22 December 1929 at 94 Park Street, Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407, at age 74.3,4 His body was interred on 24 December 1929, at St. Rose of Lima Cemetery at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407.5 His funeral was held on 24 December 1929, at at St. Rose of Lima Church, at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407. The mass was at 9:30 a.m.6.4
- [S440] Not married. Lived with Catherine Casey Walker.
- [S287] St. Rose of Lima Church, Baptismal Record, Vol. 1,, p. 108.
- [S242] Jane Anderson, The Melroy Family, From Ireland to Iowa.
- [S325] St. Rose of Lima Church, Funeral Records 1927-, page 16.
- [S325] St. Rose of Lima Church, Funeral Records 1927-, page 16. Recorded by J.W. Campbell. Records indicate that the 1929 upkeep was paid. $20.00 was paid to have the grave dug and $5.00 was paid to rent the lowering devise.
- A stipend of $20.00 was paid for the mass. Funeral records also indicate that Edward had received all of the sacraments.
Margaret Ann Casey1
#155, b. 2 April 1862, d. 18 June 1935
Father* | Thomas Casey b. 1830, d. 21 Jul 1873 |
Mother* | Ann Mulroy b. 22 Dec 1830, d. 19 Dec 1894 |
Charts | Descendants of James Casey & Catherine Hoban Descendants of Francis Mulroy & Nancy Clarke |
Her body was interred, at St. Rose of Lima Cemetery at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407. She never married.
She was baptized on 2 April 1862, at at St. Rose of Lima, at Carbondale, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407, in the Roman Catholic faith.2 Margaret was born on 2 April 1862, at Carbondale, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407.2 Margaret died on 18 June 1935 at St. Joseph's Hospital, Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407, at age 73.3,4
She was baptized on 2 April 1862, at at St. Rose of Lima, at Carbondale, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407, in the Roman Catholic faith.2 Margaret was born on 2 April 1862, at Carbondale, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407.2 Margaret died on 18 June 1935 at St. Joseph's Hospital, Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407, at age 73.3,4
- [S250] Ellen Veronica (Frances Marie) Melroy, Personal Notes of Sister Frances Marie Melroy.
- [S287] St. Rose of Lima Church, Baptismal Record, Vol. 1, page 147.
- [S242] Jane Anderson, The Melroy Family, From Ireland to Iowa,,.
- [S250] Ellen Veronica (Frances Marie) Melroy, Personal Notes of Sister Frances Marie Melroy, lists death as 1933.
Ellen Casey
#156, b. 10 September 1872, d. 1963
Father* | Thomas Casey b. 1830, d. 21 Jul 1873 |
Mother* | Ann Mulroy b. 22 Dec 1830, d. 19 Dec 1894 |
Charts | Descendants of James Casey & Catherine Hoban Descendants of Francis Mulroy & Nancy Clarke |
She was called Ella.1 Ellen was born on 10 September 1872, at Carbondale, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407.2 She was baptized on 14 September 1872, at at St. Rose of Lima, at Carbondale, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407, in the Roman Catholic faith.2 She married Bernard Crane in 1896.3 Ellen died in 1963 at Jersey City, New Jersey 07097, at age at an unknown age .4
Family | Bernard Crane b. 16 Sep?, d. 23 Jun 1956 |
Children |
- [S308] Sister Mary Alice Crane Interview, 253 Knickerbocker Road, Tenafly, New Jersey.
- [S288] St. Rose of Lima Church, Baptismal Record, Vol. 2, page 86.
- [S250] Ellen Veronica (Frances Marie) Melroy, Personal Notes of Sister Frances Marie Melroy.
- [S322] Gerard T. O'Boyle, Jr. Letter to Edward J. Casey.
Bridget Casey1
#157, b. 3 December 1863
Father* | Thomas Casey b. 1830, d. 21 Jul 1873 |
Mother* | Ann Mulroy b. 22 Dec 1830, d. 19 Dec 1894 |
Charts | Descendants of James Casey & Catherine Hoban Descendants of Francis Mulroy & Nancy Clarke |
She resided, at Jermyn, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18433. Bridget died at age at an unknown age . Bridget was born on 3 December 1863, at Carbondale, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407.2 She was baptized on 5 December 1863, at at St. Rose of Lima, at Carbondale, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania 18407, in the Roman Catholic faith.2 She married James O'Gara on 15 January 1890 at St. Rose of Lima Church at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407.3,4
Family | James O'Gara |
Children |
James O'Gara
Charts | Descendants of James Casey & Catherine Hoban Descendants of Francis Mulroy & Nancy Clarke |
He resided, at Jermyn, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18433. James died at age at an unknown age . James was born. He married Bridget Casey on 15 January 1890 at St. Rose of Lima Church at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407.1,2
Family | Bridget Casey b. 3 Dec 1863 |
Children |
Bernard Crane
#159, b. 16 September?, d. 23 June 1956
Charts | Descendants of James Casey & Catherine Hoban Descendants of Francis Mulroy & Nancy Clarke |
He married Ellen Casey in 1896.1 Bernard was born on 16 September?, at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407. Bernard died on 23 June 1956 at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407, at age at an unknown age .2
Family | Ellen Casey b. 10 Sep 1872, d. 1963 |
Children |
Pauline (Sr. M. Ambrose) Walker1
Father* | Joseph Bernard Walker b. 18 Aug 1869, d. 3 Sep 1932 |
Mother* | Catherine Loretta Casey b. 13 Sep 1870, d. 19 Jan 1953 |
Charts | Descendants of James Casey & Catherine Hoban Descendants of Francis Mulroy & Nancy Clarke |
- [S258] Pauline (Sister M. Ambrose) Walker, Letter to Edward J. Casey Jr.
Aniceta Walker
#161, b. 24 April 1912, d. December 1999
Father* | Joseph Bernard Walker b. 18 Aug 1869, d. 3 Sep 1932 |
Mother* | Catherine Loretta Casey b. 13 Sep 1870, d. 19 Jan 1953 |
Charts | Descendants of James Casey & Catherine Hoban Descendants of Francis Mulroy & Nancy Clarke |
Aniceta Walker lived at Aniceta Walker, 94 Park Street, Carbondale, PA. Aniceta was born on 24 April 1912, at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407.1 She resided, at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407, in 1992. Aniceta attended the First Casey Family Reunion, held on 26 September 1992 at Phillips Manor, at Cortez, Jefferson Township, Lackwanna County, Pennsylvania.2 Aniceta died in December 1999 at age 87.
Joseph Patrick Walker1
#162, b. 24 January 1898, d. 4 April 1971
Father* | Joseph Bernard Walker b. 18 Aug 1869, d. 3 Sep 1932 |
Mother* | Catherine Loretta Casey b. 13 Sep 1870, d. 19 Jan 1953 |
Charts | Descendants of James Casey & Catherine Hoban Descendants of Francis Mulroy & Nancy Clarke |
Joseph was born on 24 January 1898, at Carbondale, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania 18407.2 He married Mary Elizabeth Shannon on 9 September 1925 at Scranton, Lackawanna County, PA 18505.3,4,5 Joseph died on 4 April 1971 at Wayne County Memorial Hospital, Honesdale, Wayne County, Pennsylvania 18431, at age 73.
Family | Mary Elizabeth Shannon b. 16 Jul 1902, d. 6 Mar 1990 |
Children |
- [S186] Catherine Ellen Walker, Letter to Edward J. Casey Jr.
- [S250] Ellen Veronica (Frances Marie) Melroy, Personal Notes of Sister Frances Marie Melroy,, list 25 Jan 1898.
- [S212] Joseph B. Walker, Letter to Edward J. Casey Jr., Need all info.
- [S186] Catherine Ellen Walker, Letter to Edward J. Casey Jr., .
- [S205] Jeanne Marie Walker, Letter to Edward J. Casey Jr., list date as 9 Sep 1924.